Technical Support to the 2022 Maldives Census

Contracted by





Azure, Django, Google Sheets, Python, QGIS, R, Shiny, Stata, Survey Solutions
Technical Support to the 2022 Maldives Census

In 2022, the Maldives conducted its first digital Population, Housing, and Economic Census using Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI). Over two years, rowsquared collaborated closely with the Maldives Bureau of Statistics (MBS), offering comprehensive support, guidance, and quality assurance throughout all phases of the census operation. Our core contributions included:

  • Methodology: Revised and updated methodology to optimize it for electronic data collection, addressing key aspects like identification of entities or non-response protocols.
  • Census frame: Supported the generation of enumeration areas (EAs) and maps, and built a database of census frames with a comprehensive identification system to enable linkages.
  • Questionnaires: Developed, validated and testing all questionnaires, ensuring the instruments were robust and comprehensive.
  • CAPI: Built electronic questionnaires balancing complexity with user-friendliness, set up a translation system, and integrated EA maps with comprehensive consistency checks.
  • Field tools: Developed supplementary tools like supervisor web app or automated EA-level print reports to streamline enumeration and maintain data integrity throughout the census.
  • Staff management: Set up systems to manage the allocation of over 4,000 fieldworkers and linking them to CAPI and accounting system.
  • Quality assurance plan: Developed and implemented a comprehensive multi-level plan combining in-field review and central monitoring processes.
  • Pre-test and pilots: Supported field tests to validate and refine census methodology, questionnaires, and processes.
  • Data architecture: Set-up, managed and monitored the IT infrastructure for data storage and processing, that was secure and capable of handling large volumes of data.
  • Data cleaning and processing: Developed tools and workflows for reproducible data editing, generation of indicators and production of various data sets tailored for different purposes. This included a machine learning assisted classification of ISCO and ISIC codes.
  • Imputations: Collaborated with UN Statistics division for the item and unit level non-response imputations.
  • Preliminary Results: Guided MBS on content and produced tabulations for preliminary results publication.
  • Training & Upskilling: Provided ongoing, tailored capacity building for MBS staff in census methodology, statistical software, data architecture design, and data processing.
  • On-site Support: Our team oversaw the census activities in-country, providing immediate support for unforeseen challenges and ensuring smooth roll out.

The first CAPI census in Maldives was a notable success, marked by efficient operations and significant improvements in data quality. Our comprehensive support resulted in the most accurate and reliable census data ever produced for the country, creating a solid base for future data collection efforts.

This project showcased rowsquared’s expertise in managing complex, large-scale national census activities, highlighting our capacity to deliver innovative solutions to collect high quality data.

Detailed information about the census and its results can be found here.

Bonus, we got to meet the president.