Impact Evaluation of PMPMD in Mongolia
Between 2011 and 2023, IFAD co-funded the Government of Mongolia’s Project for Market and Pasture Management Development (PMPMD). rowsquared was hired by the Research and Impact Assessment (RIA) division of IFAD to conduct a rigorous impact evaluation of this project.
We supported RIA in designing the impact evaluation and the respective strategy to sample treated and control households.
We were responsible for high-quality data collection in the form of a survey among 1,600 herder households. This involved creating detailed survey instruments to capture aspects of pasture management and organizing enumerator training for effective data collection using CAPI methodologies.
Following data collection, for which we worked closely with a Mongolian firm, we embarked on an extensive data cleaning and analysis phase, employing sophisticated statistical matching methods.
We evaluated the projects’ impacts on economic mobility, productivity, market access, resilience, and food security of herder households.
The findings of this impact evaluation are a crucial input for IFAD’s support to a continuation of PMPMD in Mongolia.