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COVID-19 Food Resilience Surveys

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)


Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria and Tanzania

Data quality · Semi-automatic reports · Dashboard · Data dissemination

In 2021, GAIN implemented the Keeping Food Markets Working (KFMW) initiative in six countries to mitigate pandemic-related effects in food systems. In order to understand price fluctuations and assess the resilience of consumers, vendors and market actors, GAIN conducted by-weekly surveys in two markets within each country.

Rowsquared guided GAIN in the coordination of local data collection firms, overseeing tasks related to data management, harmonization and quality control. Given the availability of high-frequency data, Rowsquared developed a data pipeline that produced semi-automatic reports. This allowed rapid analysis and dissemination of the incoming data. 

In addition, Rowsquared developed the EatSafe’s Food Price Monitoring Tool, a handy dashboard to compare prices of various food items over time and countries. This tool allowed all key-stakeholders in this project to independently explore and monitor trends and to produce publishable charts.